Fool’s Paradise


Director Statement

As a victim of sexual assault, I have encountered many different women through several years of counseling. Every woman’s story is different, yet similar at their core. The positive bonds I have created with each person as a result of such a terrible ordeal is some consolation. However, the way their stories have impacted me is something I do not take lightly. I feel the world should know and be aware of the complexity of these situations, and how common they are in everyday life.

With this film, I wanted to genuinely startle people. I wanted to show how a toxic relationship can devolve into something much worse, but show it through the perspective of the woman in the relationship. Even though her boyfriend was the antagonist, I wanted to humanize him, and show that sometimes the people who really hurt us are the ones we do not originally see as monsters.

The title “Fool’s Paradise” is defined as a state of happiness based on a person’s not knowing about or denying the existence of potential trouble. I didn’t want to portray the main character as a fool, but rather as someone who once felt happiness while subconsciously understanding that there would be no happy ending.

Abuse is complicated. I struggled throughout the process, wondering if I was telling the story right and doing it justice. However, the story felt like an opportunity to shine on light on situations others might be ignorant to or unaware of. Even if it does not resonate with everyone, I hope it at least increases awareness.

The story is still deeply personal, even though the concept of this film came from a story told by one of my closest friends. As a director, I strive to tell those personal stories and this film is a result of that.